Synthesis, characterization and effect of doping on the photocatalytic and antibacterial activities of zinc oxide

A 74 Ariunzaya Tsogoo
Synthesis, characterization and effect of doping on the photocatalytic and antibacterial activities of zinc oxide A dissertation for the doctor of philosophy in chemistry E05310101 / Super. d-r (Ph.D),prof. R.Dashzeveg, d-r (Ph.D),prof. E.Ganbold, Scien advi. d-r (Ph.D),prof.N.Tsedev;.- 2023.09.27.- UB.: 2023.- 72p.: + CD.- Bobliography: P.72-85.-(National uneversity Mongoliaschool of arts and sciences)10000.00₮.
Монгол судлал /МУҮНС/ төв байр -14936